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java sea 爪哇海〔太平洋的一部分〕。

java sparrow

“ look , ” said the herring , “ i ' ve swum through the north sea , the atlantic ocean , the indian ocean , the java sea , the coral sea , the great pacific ocean , the siberian sea , and the frozen arctic “你看, ”青魚說, “我游過了北海、大西洋、印度洋、爪哇海、珊瑚海、太平洋、西伯利亞海,還有冰天雪地的北冰洋。

Jakarta , indonesia ( ap ) - - a powerful earthquake under the java sea rattled indonesia ' s capital early thursday , violently shaking tall buildings and sending panicked residents into the streets 印尼,雅加達?一股強烈的地震今早襲擊了印尼的首都,高層建筑劇烈的搖晃,居民們都跑到了大街上。

An island of indonesia separated from borneo by the java sea , an arm of the western pacific ocean 爪哇島是印度尼西亞的一個島嶼,被大西洋西部的爪哇海從婆羅洲分開。

June 3 , 1994 , tsunami in indonesia ' s east java sea , waves of 60 meters 1994年6月3日,印尼東爪哇海域發生海嘯,浪高60米。